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Return to Fanshawe

Thomas Quinn

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

Dear Swimmer / Parent / Guardian

We are delighted to tell you that Ware SC intends to return to training at Fanshawe Pool from Monday, 7th September. We will be sending all members an email and expect a response by Tuesday 18th August. Please check your emails (including junk folder) and if you require the form to be sent to you separately or need help filling it in please contact Nicola Rix:

To comply with the Covid-19 Return to training guidelines from Swim England, we will need to make some changes to the session timings in order to accommodate all swimmers. Where possible we will endeavour to ensure that swimmers are in the same sessions pre Covid-19. Please note that we may also need to adjust the cost of sessions and this will depend on the number of swimmers per session.

For now, we need to know if youintend to return to trainingat Fanshawe Pool soplease return the form attached to the email by midnight on Tuesday 18th August. We need a response from every swimmer so please complete the form even if you don't intend to return to training.

Once we have processed all the requests and allocated swimmers to sessions, you'll receive a follow up email confirming your sessions, the payment due, Covid-19 Health Forms and details of Zoom training sessions for returning to training at Fanshawe pool.

Allocating swimmers to sessions is a huge amount of work so please be patient as we process your request.

If you have questions or need further information, please contact Nicola Rix.

Kind regards

The Committee

Ware SC


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